Prepare your Air Conditioning for the Summer

Summer is coming, time to start thinking about air conditioning to beat the summer heat. And what happens if we hit the button and … it doesn’t work? To avoid this situation it’s best to do periodic maintenance.

Our techncians will :

  • Clean Filters, the Split has an internal device and an external extractor.
  • Check the condition of the drains, it´s necessary have in good condition the drains to avoid blockages that may damage the operation of the installation.
  • Check the pressure levels of the circuit, the task that an expert must perform, with the necessary equipment to avoid catastrophic errors.
  • Check the gas load; for the air conditioner works the gas circuit must be in perfect condition, that there aren´t leaks, that would imply that the device would not fulfill its function.
  • Check operation of the thermostats; it´s convenient they regulate the right temperature, for that a quilified technic should check its perfect functioning.

At Klimat we have qualified staff for this. So don´t think it twice and call us to make an appointment!
