This type of air conditioning installations, by ducts, is characterized by being composed of a centralized air distribution system through a false ceiling.

These systems in case of composing a heat pump can distribute both heat and cold and has the advantage that the installation is fully integrated into the house or the premises, without having appliances in sight.
This type of ducted air conditioning systems allow you to regulate the temperature and air flow in each room or area of the house. In addition, in a zoned facility, each room in the home has its own thermostat that communicates with a motorized grille. As soon as the set temperature is reached, the grid closes the passage of air so as not to overcool the room. The grid opens as soon as the room needs air conditioning again. In this way each space receives the right amount of frigorías, saving energy and guaranteeing comfort.
Through the duct system, we will get very aesthetic finishes in the space where we want to install an air conditioning system, since we will only see the small grilles through which the air is distributed, which is more discreet and aesthetic,
They are usually recommendable equipment but we must also emphasize that the installation of a ducted air conditioning system requires a false ceiling that, if you do not have it in the house, you have to create it. This implies getting into a work, so it can be a disadvantage compared to other teams. KLIMAT
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