Surely at this point everyone knows and knows how to interpret the energy label that accompanies all the air conditioning equipment on the market, but, as a little information never hurts, we will remember what can be found on these labels, and The most important thing to keep in mind when we buy our new equipment.
It was in 2004 when the obligation was applied that all air conditioning systems had to carry their own energy label, so that the user could know the information regarding power, performance, and other characteristics of a device.
In 2013 the European Commission decided to renew the energy label carried by air conditioning equipment by also introducing 2 energy efficiency scales: one for summer (SEER index) and another for winter (SCOP index).
In addition to what has been described above, other sections that we find in the different labels are the following:
-Manufacturer name.
-Product type and model.
-Cooling power. It informs the design load in KW, and also shows us an estimate of the annual energy consumption.
-Classification and energy efficiency. To determine the energy consumption that a team will assume, we have a scale of colors and letters, ranging from dark green to deep red and from A to G, and that inform us from the most energy efficient speaking to the one You need more energy consumption to properly heat. High energy efficiency equipment can reduce energy consumption by 30%. It must also be taken into account that external environmental conditions may vary between countries, and taking into account that labels are unified throughout Europe, we must first identify the color corresponding to the area where we live to know the efficiency of the equipment.
-Sound level: Although it is inevitable that any air conditioning equipment emits sound when working, manufacturers, with each technical innovation, manage to reduce noise levels, knowing that this is one of the main drawbacks that a customer detects at when choosing your air conditioning equipment.
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